Monday, 9 December 2013

White Balance And Colour Temperature

Colour temperatures are how the colours in a shot are referred to which can be either a range of cool colours (blue/white) or warm colours (red/yellow). These are measured in kelvin of which colours over 5,000K are cool colours while those from 2,700 - 3,000K are warm colours.

These colours are used to give moods or connote certain things about certain scenes. For example a scene in a cold area will likely have a blue colour temperature and vice versa a hot area will likely have a orange colour temperature.  
Sometimes unrealistic colour is cast in a shot because the camera can't always adjust the picture to balance the colour temperature of a light source and sometimes the colour comes out either more blue or more red. In this situation white balancing can be used to remove this unrealistic cast by rendering objects which you see as white to appear white in your video or photo. 

Cameras have a auto white balance (AWB) presets so that the shot colour can be changed to suit the type of hue wanted. AWB tries to apply white in appropriate places. 
Custom white balance can be used to take a colour from the shot which will tell the camera which parts are white. 
Kelvin allows you to set colour temperature based on the kelvin it is measured in from 2,500 to 10,000K depending on camera model.  
Tungsten is an artificial light setting this assumes the colour temperature of around 3,200K and so usually create a yellowish hue. 
Fluorescent is another artificially light setting around 4,000K which has multiple uses since there are different types of fluorescent light with different colour temperature. 
Daylight setting is used during bright sunlight and will balance the colour temperature at around 5,200K.  
Flash is a very white light which balances the colour temperature around 6,000K. 
Cloudy sets the colour temperature at around 6,000K and is best used on cloudy days to create an even balance of lighting. 
Shade is more useful for areas of light shade rather than heavy shadow and balances the colour temperature at around 7,000K. 
Just as white balance can be used to correct the colour it can also be used to trick the camera into showing the scene as more cold or warm than the scene actually is. This can be done with gels which clip onto the light source to project a colour hue onto the scene. If the gel is red than by using a custom white balance can be used to adjust to the camera to white with the hue on top so that when the gel is removed a colder colour balance is shown on the camera as the end result. 

Tuesday, 3 December 2013

Individual Production Journal - Music Video

14th of October
Izzy knew she wanted to have a forest/field and a couple meeting in the music video so me and her started brainstorming ideas on what the memories and other scenes in the music video would be. We decided that the couple should meet in a cafe and that we would need a field in the beginning scene.  Izzy filled in the information on the pre-production slide. I, Rory and James helped her by suggesting what props would be needed and suggesting locations that we could use for the field and cafe scenes. We agreed that James would be in charge of finding and looking after the props since he already had a picnic basket we could use in the music video. I would be an editor in the post production, Rory would be a actor if we needed him to be and a camera man and because it was her pitch Izzy would be the director. 

15th of October
Our production pack didn't save properly so Izzy again filled in any information that hadn't saved from the day before. We decided that I would draw the storyboard for the music video, Izzy already had pages of a storyboard template so she scanned them and printed more so that I would have enough to draw the storyboard of the music video. Me and Izzy went out to find a field we could film in and decided on which field we would use at the beginning and that Izzy would be the female character while her boyfriend would be the male character. We also discussed which days would be best for filming and decided on wednesdays to fridays if the weather wasn't bad would be good since everyone would be able to get in by normal college transport.   

21st of October  
I began drawing the story board for the music video including deciding what camera shots and angles and locations should be used during each shot. Izzy helped me decide what would happen in each shot since she knew how she wanted her music video to look like. We traded ideas on how and what should happen in each shot before putting it in the story board. While we were doing this Rory and James searched the internet for cafes we could use for scenes in the music video. They made a list of close cafes and there phone numbers. After they found enough they both rung up the cafes to ask permission to film in the cafes and make plans on what days the filming would take place. they were able to secure a convenient cafe to film in with the owners permission. James also looked for red albums that could be used in the video.  

22nd of October
Continued drawing the storyboard and finished it with the help of Izzy. We also decided that I should draw the script that would explain what the actors should do during the scenes. Izzy showed all of the post production stuff to Gary and booked out the camera with the plan to film during the half term. We then began filling in how long each shot should last in time with the music, Izzy filled in the sheet while I helped her decide what time each shot should last.

27th of October 
Using the storyboard I had drawn as a template I wrote the script making sure to add in what expressions and movement the actors should be doing in each shot and what the camera should be doing in each shot. As well as what effects will be added to the shots in post production.

17th November
With footage that Izzy, Rory and James had filmed I began editing. However I encountered many problems as Izzy had chosen not to film some shots and had started filming other parts of the video on a different camera without the knowledge of the rest of the group. This meant that more than half of the footage was unusable since it was incompatible with Final Cut Pro and we didn't have the time to re-shoot. I was able to edit the begin of the video close to how it was originally planned however I was forced to improvise by adding shots into the video that don't match with the plan. I also had to cut the song short since there wasn't enough usable footage for the whole song.